Brussel sprouts cooked with bacon grease in a cast iron skillet.

Add Delicious Bacon Flavor to Your Brussel Sprouts

Did you enjoy eating Brussels sprouts as a kid?  Neither did I.  Who did?  But perhaps they were just prepared wrong, and with a few simple tricks could have gone from "blah" to "yum"!

One of the most effective ways to elevate their flavor is by using leftover bacon grease and a trusty old cast iron skillet (or a new one I suppose).  This method brings out a rich, smoky taste that will convert even the most skeptical sprout naysayers.

Why Bacon Grease?

Bacon grease is a powerhouse of flavor.  When you cook bacon, the fat that renders out is infused with all the savory, smoky goodness of the meat.  Using this grease to cook your Brussels sprouts imparts a depth of flavor that's hard to achieve with oil or butter alone.  Plus, it's a great way to make use of leftovers, reducing waste in the kitchen and saving some cash.

The Magic of Cast Iron

Roasting in a cast iron skillet ensures even cooking and helps achieve a perfect caramelization on the Brussels sprouts.  The heavy skillet retains heat well, providing the high temperatures needed to get those sprouts crispy and golden brown on the outside while keeping them tender inside.

How to Prepare

  1. Preheat Your Skillet:  Place your cast iron skillet in the oven and preheat to 425°F (220°C).  Preheating the skillet helps to start the caramelization process the moment the sprouts hit the pan.
  2. Prepare the Brussels Sprouts:  While the oven heats, trim the ends off your Brussels sprouts, cut them in half, and then place them in a bowl.  This increases the surface area for caramelizing and allows the bacon grease to seep into every crevice.
  3. Coat with Bacon Grease:  Head to the fridge and grab that Piggy Pouch you've been using to store your leftover bacon grease.  Scoop some out and melt it in a small pan on low heat.  How much grease you need depends on how many sprouts you're roasting and how much bacon flavor you want.  Here is where you get to experiment and tailor to your taste.  If you don't have enough (or don't want too much bacon flavor - but let's be honest, you do), you can supplement it with a bit of olive oil (extra virgin, of course).  Pour the melted grease into the bowl and toss to coat the sprouts.  The sprouts should be evenly and thoroughly coated.  Season with salt, pepper, and if you're feeling frisky, a bit of garlic powder or crushed red pepper flakes for extra kick. 
  4. Roast in the Skillet:  Carefully remove the hot skillet from the oven and add the Brussels sprouts, cut side down.  This placement helps achieve that sought-after crispy edge.  Return the skillet to the oven and roast for 20-25 minutes, stirring them up halfway through to ensure even cooking.
  5. Finish & Serve:  Once the sprouts are tender and nicely browned, remove the skillet from the oven.  Consider adding a squeeze of lemon juice or a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese for a burst of extra flavor before serving.



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